Saturday 15 December 2012

Joke of the day

An Amish boy and his father were visiting a nearby mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny silver walls that moved apart and back together again by themselves.
The lad asked, "What is this, father?"

The father, having never seen an elevator, responded, "I have no idea what it is."

While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched as small circles lit up above the walls.

The walls opened up again and a beautiful twenty-four-year-old woman stepped out.

The father looked at his son anxiously and said, "Go get your mother."

Thursday 6 December 2012

5 orang paling bijak di dunia

Individu terpintar di dunia ini dipilih berdasarkan ujian tahap kepintaran (IQ) mereka melalui tinjauan dilakukan agensi antarabangsa.

Kim Ung Yong
1. Kim Ung-Yong – IQ: 210

Ung-Yong yang berasal dari Korea Selatan, menunjukkan tahap kepintarannya sejak kecil. Beliau mula bertutur pada umur enam bulan dan mampu bercakap dalam beberapa bahasa seperti Bahasa Inggeris, Jerman, Jepun dan bermacam lagi. Dia turut menerima gelaran Doktor Falsafah (PhD) dalam bidang fizik di Universiti Colorado, Amerika Syarikat ketika berumur 16 tahun. Ung-Yong disenaraikan dalam Guinness  of  kerana memiliki IQ tertinggi di dunia dengan markah dianggarkan sebanyak 210.

chris langan

2. Christoper Michael Langan – IQ: 195

Langan dikenali sebagai ‘Lelaki Terpintar di Amerika Syarikat’ oleh pihak media kerana memiliki tahap IQ sebanyak 195. Dilahirkan di San Francisco, beliau mula bertutur pada umur enam bulan dan mampu membaca pada umur empat tahun. Langan melanjutkan pelajarannya ke kolej tempatan tetapi berhenti tidak lama kemudian kerana menganggap pelajarannya tidak setanding dengan kepintaran yang dimiliki.

3. Philip Emeagwali – IQ: 190

Emeagwali dilahirkan di Akure, Nigeria pada 23 Ogos 1954. beliau menjadi seorang saintis jurutera dan komputer serta memenangi satu daripada dua anugerah Hadiah Gordon Bell pada 1989 kerana mencipta sebuah super komputer Mesin Sambungan untuk membantu menganalisis kawasan .


4. Garry Kasparov – IQ: 190

Kasparov adalah seorang Juara Catur Dunia. Beliau dilahirkan pada 13 April 1963 di Rusia. Kasparov menjadi Juara Catur Dunia termuda pada 1985 ketika berumur 22 tahun. Beliau berjaya mengekalkan kedudukannya sebagai Nombor Satu Dunia sehingga ditewaskan rakan senegaranya, Vladmir Kramnik pada 2000. Selepas bersara pada  2005, Kasparov menerbitkan beberapa siri buku berkaitan dengan sukan kegemarannya.

marilyn vos savant shrunk

5. Marilyn Vos Savant – IQ: 186

savant dilahirkan pada 11 Ogos 1946 di Missouri, Amerika Syarikat. Dia adalah seorang penulis ruangan majalah, pengarang, pensyarah dan penulis drama sekali gus berjaya menempatkan diri di dalam Guinness Book of World Records untuk IQ tertinggi. Beliau melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang prinsip hidup di Universiti Washington tetapi berhenti selepas dua tahun untuk membantu perniagaan pelaburan keluarganya dan mencari kebebasan kewangan untuk mengejar kerjayanya sebagai seorang penulis.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Kejayaan Mark Zuckerberg

PENGASAS laman sembang facebook, Mark Zuckerberg men­dedahkan kehidupan peribadinya secara sepintas lalu kepada masyarakat umum di televisyen, baru-baru ini.
Jejaka berusia 26 tahun itu membenarkan jurukamera merakamkan kediaman dan pejabatnya untuk slot rancangan The Oprah Winfrey Show ketika dia tampil menjadi tetamu dalam program temu bual itu.
Program temu bual itu menyiarkan beberapa babak dalam kehidupan Zuckerberg antaranya ialah me­nyambut mesra kekasihnya, Priscilla Chan dengan ciuman di luar kediaman mereka yang ­disewa di Palo Alto, California.
Kediaman bersaiz sederhana itu mempunyai bilik bacaan yang memuatkan sebuah meja, tiga kerusi dan dua unit rak kayu. Bahagian dapur pula dibina secara terbuka dan dilengkapi kabinet kayu berwarna cerah.
Zuckerberg memberitahu dia belajar bahasa  Mandarin di meja makan setiap pagi sebagai persediaan untuk bercuti ke China bersama Priscilla pada hujung tahun ini.
Zuckerberg seorang yang kuat bekerja dan dia jarang berada di rumah kerana kebiasaannya akan menghabiskan selama 16 jam di ibu pejabat facebook.
Pejabatnya pula mempu­nyai sentuhan santai dan kreatif apabila ada pekerja yang dilihat menggunakan papan selaju ketika bekerja. Dinding pejabat dipenuhi ungkapan yang memberi ins­pirasi seperti ‘Apa yang akan anda lakukan jika anda tidak pernah takut?’ ataupun ‘Usah bimbang untuk gagal’.
Dalam satu babak rakaman yang disiarkan program Oprah, Zuckerberg dilihat sedang bekerja bersebelahan seorang kakitangannya di meja tulis yang berselerak.
Sementara itu, Zuckerberg diundang sebagai tetamu dalam program temu bual Oprah untuk mengumumkan bantuan AS$100 juta (RM320 juta) yang disumbangkannya kepada projek sekolah di Amerika Syarikat.
Menurut sesetengah pengkritik, Zuckerberg sengaja membuat pengumuman itu serentak dengan tayangan perdana filem ‘The Social Network’ yang mengisahkan cerita mengenai penemuan laman sembang facebook untuk mencari publisiti.
Bagaimanapun, Zuckerberg mendakwa dia tidak merancang semua itu kerana ia berlaku secara kebetulan sambil menambah filem ‘The Social Network’ mempunyai jalan cerita yang menarik.

“Kebanyakan jalan cerita dalam filem itu adalah fiksyen dan saya pasti penerbit filem akan bersetuju dengan saya. Namun, mereka menghasilkan satu filem yang baik. Bukankah ia mengenai kehidupan saya?…tetapi hidup saya tidaklah begitu dramatik seperti dipaparkan filem itu,” kata Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg yang menyertai Datuk Bandar Newark, Cory Booker dan Gabenor New Jersey, Chris Christie dalam program temu bual Oprah turut mengumumkan rancangan bestari untuk menjadikan bandar Newark sebagai model bagi Amerika Syarikat.
“Saya amat komited untuk memulakan rancangan itu dan sebagai permulaan akan menyumbangkan RM320 juta untuk penubuhan Yaya­san Pendidikan,” ujar Zucker­berg.
Rancangan pengerusi facebook itu yang menjadi bi­lionair paling muda di dunia pada usia 23 tahun menerima sokongan padu Oprah dan penonton sebaik dia mengumumkan cadangannya.
Apabila ditanya mengapa dia memberi tumpuan utama kepada pendidikan, Zuckerberg berkata, setiap kanak-kanak berhak untuk mendapat pendidikan yang baik tetapi itu tidak berlaku pada masa kini.
“Saya mempunyai banyak peluang dalam hidup ini kerana saya mempunyai pendidikan yang baik sejak kecil, oleh itu, saya ingin memastikan setiap orang mempu­nyai peluang itu dalam hidup mereka,” kata Zuckerberg lagi

About Mark Zuckerberg:
Born: 14 May 1984 (age 26), White Plains, New York.
Residence: Palo Alto, California U.S.
Nationality: American
Education: Havard College (dropped out in 2004)
Occupation: CEO/President of Facebook (24% shareholder in 2010)
Years active: 2004 – present
Known for: Co-founding Facebook; becoming world’s youngest billionaire
Home town: Dobbs Ferry, New York
Net worth: US$6.9 billion (2010)
Awards: Time Person of the Year 2010

Thursday 22 November 2012

Use Word in your Tablet

If you’re new to Office with Windows 8 on a touch screen, learning a few gestures will help you get up to speed.
The basics:
Tap Tap gesture
Pinch Pinch fingers together
Stretch Stretch fingers apart
Slide Slide gesture
Swipe Swipe across the screen
Here’s how they work in Office.

In an Office program

To… Do…
Switch to Full Screen Tap the Ribbon Display Options button on the title bar and tap Auto-hide Ribbon.
Switch to Standard View Tap the Ribbon Display Options button and tap Show Tabs and Commands.
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar Press, hold, then release any button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Using the touch keyboard

To… Do…
Show the Touch keyboard Tap the Touch Keyboard button on the taskbar.
Hide the Touch keyboard Tap the X button on the Touch keyboard.
Dock the Touch keyboard Tap Dock on the Touch keyboard so that it stays open.
Undock the Touch keyboard Tap Undock on the Touch keyboard.

Moving around in a file

To… Do…
Scroll Touch the doc and slide it up and down.
Zoom in Stretch two fingers apart.
Zoom out Pinch two fingers together.

Making a selection

To… Do…
Place the cursor Tap in the file.
Select text Tap in the text and drag the selection handle.
Format text Tap the selected text, then tap a formatting option on the Mini toolbar.

Working with shapes and objects

To… Do…
Move Touch the object and slide it.
Resize Tap the object, then press and drag the object’s resize handle.
Rotate Tap the object, then press and drag the rotation handle.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Specific Word Count In Microsoft Word


We need to count how many times a specific word occurs in our document. In our case, we need to know how many times the words “tomato ketchup” occur in our document.

Fooling Microsoft Word

  • We can’t use word count because this feature tells us te total number of words in our document, not the number of a particular set of words.
  • We will have to be sneaky and use some other function that was not created for our purpose.
  • To find the number of occurrences of a specific word in a Microsoft Word document, you can use the Find funtion.
  • However, because this function is not automated we will have to use Find and Replace.
  • When you use the Find and Replace function, when it completes it tells you how many replacements it performed.
  • If we construct our Find and Replace correctly, the number of replacements will be the number of our specific words in the document.

Constructing The Find And Replace

  • As we said earlier, we will use the Find and Replace function.
  • We want to count how many times the words “tomato ketchup” appear in our document.
  • Position the cursor at the beginning of the document.
  • In the Home tab click on the Replace button. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + H.
Find and Replace in Word
  • In theFind and Replace window that opens, type in “Tomato Ketchup” into both the Find Whatand the Replace with boxes.
  • This is so that if you accidentally save your document afterwards, no changes will have been made.
  • Click the Replace All button and wait for the Find and Replace to complete.
  • After Word has finished, it displays the following window telling you how many occurrences of “Tomato Ketchup” it found:
Word Made 5 Replacements
The sneaky bit was getting Word to replace the words “tomato ketchup” with exactly the same words. The number of replacements is simply the number of occurrences. Obviously, replace these words with the ones you want to count!

Find And Replace Tips

  • You can make the Find and Replace count case sensitive by clicking on the More button and ensuring that Match case is checked.
Find and Replace - Match Case
  • In this case the find and replace will be limited to the precise case that you used in the Find what box.
  • You can also use this procedure to count how many styles, bold, italic or otherwise formatted words are in the document.

Sunday 18 November 2012

10 Senarai individu terkaya dunia tahun 2011

Laporan di laman web menyatakan, tahun 2011 menunjukkan peningkatan yang baik kerana terdapat lebih 1,210 bilionair berjaya disenaraikan, dan jumlah aset yang terkumpul setakat ini sudah mencecah USD4.5 trilion.
3 Individu Terkaya Dunia
Ini merupakan satu angka yang besar berbanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Namun siapakah yang berada dalam cara 10 terkaya di dunia ini? Adakah Bill Gates dan Warren Buffet masih lagi mendominasi carta kekayaan ini? Mari kita sama-sama selidik berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh tim Majalah Niaga.

#10 – Christy Walton

Christy Walton
Christy Walton atau nama penuhnya Christy Ruth Walton. Dilahirkan pada tahun 1955, merupakan isteri kepada John T. Walton, anak kepada pemilik syarikat Walmart, Sam Walton.
Pada Jun 2005, selepas kematian suaminya John. T Walton, Christy Walton telah mewarisi semua harta yang dimiliki olehnya, iaitu sebanyak USD15.7 bilion. Menurut laporan Forbes, beliau tersenarai sebagai individu keempat terkaya di Amerika Syarikat, dan individu kesepuluh yang terkaya di dunia.
Sehingga kini, umur beliau kini sudah mencecah 56 tahun, dan kini memegang aset daripada syarikat Walmart sebanyak USD26.5 bilion dolar.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD26.5 bilion.

#9 – Mukesh Ambani

mukesh ambani
Anak kelahiran India yang lahir pada 19 April 1957 ini merupakan salah seorang indivdu berpengaruh, berdasarkan kajian Forbes. Mukesh Ambani juga meruapakan individu kedua terkaya di Asia, dengan memiliki nilai aset sebanyak USD27 bilion.
Beliau merupakan chairman untuk beberapa buah syarikat besar. Antara industri bisnes yang diceburi oleh Mukesh adalah industri gas dan minyak. Kajian Forbes juga membuat andaian, beliau akan menjadi individu yang terkaya di dunia pada tahu 2014, seiring dengan permintaan yang tinggi dalam industri bisnes beliau.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD27 bilion.

#8 – Eike Batista

Eike Batista
Eike Fuhrken Batista da Silva, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Eike Batista, merupakan usahawan tegar kelahiran Brazil. Beliau lahir pada 3 November 1956 di Brazil, namun zaman kanak-kanak beliau lebih banyak dihabiskan dalam negara-negara Eropah seperti Jerman.
Sehingga kini, Eike Batista mempunyai pelbagai bisnes, termasuklah perlombongan. Ini kerana ayah beliau, Eliezer Batista da Silva, merupakan bekas seorang pegawai tinggi syarikat perlombongan Vale S.A.
Individu yang kini berusia 54 tahun ini kini memiliki aset sebanyak USD30 bilion. Antara sektor bisnes beliau yang aktif sehingga hari ini, adalah perlombongan dan minyak.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD30 bilion.

#7 – Amancio Ortega

Amancio Ortega
Jika sebelum ini kita menyangka kebanyakan individu terkaya mempunyai bisnes yang tiada kaitan dengan fesyen, berbeza pula dengan Amancio Ortega Gaona. Anak kelahiran Sepanyol yang lahir pada 28 Mac 1936 ini, dikenali sebagai ‘pemilik butik fesyen terkaya dunia’, yang dikenali sebagai Zara.
Butik Zara kini sudah mempunyai lebih 14 ribu pekerja, dan mempunyai cawangan di seluruh dunia, termasuk Malaysia. Usia beliau yang hampir mencecah 80 tahun langsung tidak menghalangnya, daripada terus mendominasi industri fesyen dan bisnes yang lain.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD31 bilion.

#6 – Lakshmi Mittal

Lakshmi Mittal
Lakshmi Narayan Mittal, lahir pada 15 Jun 1950, merupakan anak kelahiran India. Beliau adalah pengerusi dan ketua eksekutif syarikat ArcelorMittal, yang dikenali sebagai syarikat pembuatan besi terbesar di dunia.
Di United Kingdom, Mittal memegang status individu paling kaya. Manakala di Eropah, beliau berada di tangga kedua. Selain daripada memiliki aset kekayaan bernilai sekitar USD31.1 bilion, Mittal juga dikategorikan sebagai individu ke 44 yang berpengaruh di dunia.
Sehingga kini, aset beliau banyak diperoleh daripada syarikat ArcelorMittal, dan mencatatkan jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak USD31.1 bilion.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD31.1 bilion.

#5 – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison
Seorang tokoh bisnes terkemuka di Amerika, Larry Ellison atau nama penuhnya Lawrence Joseph “Larry” Ellison merupakan pengasas dan ketua eksekutif syarikat Oracle Corporation, iaitu sebuah syarikat yang mencipta perisian komputer.
Bilionair yang lahir pada 17 Ogos 1944 ini juga merupakan salah seorang individu, yang gagal ketika melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti. Namun atas kepercayaan yang tinggi terhadap peluang bisnes yang diceburi, catatan Forbes menunjukkan beliau kini merupakan individu bilionair kelima terkaya di dunia.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD39.5 bilion.

#4 – Bernard Arnault

Bernard Arnault, pemilik Louis Vuitton
Ahli perniagaan yang berasal dari Perancis, dan berusia 62 tahun ini lebih dikenali sebagai pengerusi dan CEO bagi syarikat LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy). Ia adalah sebuah syarikat gabungan beberapa industri, termasuklah fesyen mewah.
Individu yang mempunyai ijazah dalam kejuruteraan ini kini mempunyai jumlah aset sebanyak USD41 bilion, yang menjadikan beliau sebagai individu keempat terkaya di dunia, menewaskan pemilik industri fesyen Zara, Armancio Ortega.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD41 bilion.

#3 – Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet
Warren Edward Buffet, individu yang pernah menduduki tangga teratas dalam senarai individu terkaya di dunia ini, masih lagi berupaya untuk berada dalam senarai 5 teratas, meskipun usianya sudah mencecah 80 tahun.
Belia dikenali sebagai ‘American Legendary Investor’, menerusi sifatnya yang bijak mengenalpasti peluang keemasan dalam pelaburan. Sehingga kini, beliau merupakan pemegang utama saham, pengerusi dan ketua eksekutif di Berkshire Hathaway.
Meskipun memiliki aset bernilai lebih USD50 bilion, Warren Buffet juga dikenali dengan sifat yang tidak boros berbelanja.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD50 bilion.

#2 – Bill Gates

Bill Gates
Siapa yang tidak kenal tokoh bisnes Amerika Syarikat ini? William Henry “Bill” Gates III yang lahir pada 28 Oktober 1955. Beliau juga pernah memegang carta individu terkaya di dunia pada tahun 1995 hingga 2007. Kemudian berada di kedudukan ketiga pada tahun 2008, dan kembali nombor satu semula pada tahun 2009.
Jumlah aset yang terkumpul adalah menerusi syarikat Microsoft, yakni bernilai lebih USD56 bilion. Selain daripada memiliki nilai kekayaan mencecah bilion dolar, Gates juga dikenali sebagai inventor, kerana telah mencipta revolusi dalam sistem komputer dan aplikasi.
Pada tahun 2000, beliau dan isterinya, Melinda Gates membuat keputusan untuk membangunkan sebuah yayasan yang dikenali sebagai Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD56 bilion.

#1 – Carlos Slim Helu

Carlos Hlim Helu
Carlos Slim Helu, anak kelahiran Mexico yang lahir pada 28 Januari 1940. Pengerusi dan ketua eksekutif syarikat telekomunikasi Telmex, dan América Móvil ini menewaskan jumlah aset kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh Bill Gates, iaitu jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak USD74 bilion.
Setakat ini, beliau telah memegang takhta sebagai individu terkaya di dunia sebanyak 2 tahun berturut-turut, iaitu pada tahun 2010 dan 2011. Pertama kali nama beliau berada dalam kedudukan nombor satu, adalah pada tahun 2007.
Jumlah aset terkini: USD74 bilion.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Top 10 reasons students will love the new Word

The new Office is packed with features that students will love and Word is no exception!  Today, we present the Top 10 reasons we think students will be head over heels for the new Word.  Download the Customer Previewtoday and tell us which of these is your favorite new feature!

10. Working with web content is simple

You already add pictures to your school reports to make them more interesting.  With the new Word, this is easier than ever.  Whether you need a stock photo to help make the report more visually appealing or a picture you took of your lab results with your smartphone and uploaded to SkyDrive, you can use the Insert Online Pictures feature to quickly grab pictures from a variety of web locations and services.  For the times when a picture just isn’t enough, you can embed a video in your document.
Once you have pictures, videos, charts or other graphic elements in your document, chances are good the next step you take is moving and resizing them – tweaking the placement until the document layout looks just the way you want.  In the new Word, the Layout Options button will show up when you select the content and let you quickly choose a text wrapping option.

Once your content has text wrapping applied, just click and drag it to a new location.  Along the way, you’ll see the rest of the document contents updating in real time – no more guessing at what you’ll get when you let go!  When you see the green alignment guides light up, you’ll know you’re aligned with important areas like the center of the page or the top of a paragraph.

9. Use Apps for Word to get more things done, faster

You’ve always used Word to get things done, but the new Word can help you get more things done, even faster than before.  Need to quickly summarize your document?  How about look something up online?  Guess what?  Now there are apps that can help you do those things, and more, without leaving Word.  Click on the Apps for Office button on the Insert tab and check out the apps that are offered through the Office Store.

8. Formatting tables gets easier

Writing a lab report and need to include a table of data?  That process gets easier in the new Word.  Now you can quickly insert a new column or row, just by hovering with mouse in the area where you want it and clicking on the insert widget. Once you have your table created, apply one of the new, updated table Styles to make it look great.  Prefer to copy the formatting of another table’s borders?  No problem – the new Border Sampler tool found on the Table Tools Design tab under Border Styles lets you copy the formatting from one table and quickly draw new borders with the same style.
Screenshot of table border menu

7.  Reviewing papers gets more manageable

Admit it, you hate reading documents that have track changes turned on.  Unfortunately, you really need to see what changed.  With Simplified Mark-up view, you don’t have to choose between seeing all the changes and knowing how the final document will read.  Instead, you see change bars in the left margin that show you where the changes happened.  One click flips between showing and hiding the changes. 
Comments are also easier to process, thanks to the ability to reply to a comment directly.  You can also use comments as a document’s to do list - when you are done dealing with a particular comment, just right click and Mark as Done.  It won’t be deleted, just greyed out so you know you’ve finished that work.

6. Your bibliography style stays up to date

In previous versions of Word, you could only get new or updated bibliography styles when we released an update or service pack. Obviously, your next assignment, which probably requires the latest APA style citations, can’t wait until the next service pack or version of Word. Since the new Office is connected to the cloud, all the citation styles can be stored in the cloud and updated as soon as a new format is available. Every time you start Word, it checks for updated citation styles and downloads those to your computer. Now, you don’t need to worry about your bibliography style being out of date!

5. Get focused on the right section of the document

Reports and papers for school can get long, fast.  Sometimes you want to focus on just one section at a time or send the paper to someone else and have them focus on just a few particular sections.  If you create your document using Styles to format your headings, you can collapse the sections by hovering over the heading and clicking the Expand / Collapse widget that appears just to the left of the heading.

You can also collapse or expand all sections at once by right clicking and using the Expand / Collapse options on the context menu.
When you collapse a heading, the contents are tucked away out of sight while you’re reading or editing the document.  You can set sections to be collapsed by default, so each time the document is opened, the reader will see the document exactly the way you intended.  To mark a section to collapse by default, right click on the heading and click Paragraph…, then check the Collapsed by default option.
For the times when you want to quickly find something in your document, whether it is a bit of text or a specific chart, the Navigation pane can help.  Click or tap on the page number in the lower left corner of the Word window to show the pane.  From there, you’ll be able to type a search term, look through the document’s headings or scan through page thumbnails to find what you need.

4. Make your document stand out from the crowd

You’ve worked hard to get all the right content into your report, but before you turn it in to your professor, you want to make sure it looks great.  Use the features on the new Design tab to find or create a Theme and a Style set that is uniquely yours.

You can also use the updated built-in content like coordinated cover pages, text boxes, headers and footers to add some extra polish or pizazz.   All of these will work with the Theme’s color & font sets and will update automatically if you decide to change your theme later.

3. PDF Reflow turns PDF files into editable Word documents

Have a paper that was saved as a PDF that you need to go back and edit, but don’t have the original document anymore?  With the PDF Reflow feature, Word can convert that PDF to an editable Word document.  Word will pull the content from the fixed format PDF and preserve as much of the layout and formatting as possible. You can make the changes you need and save again in any of Word’s formats, including PDF.

2. Reading is reimagined for a digital world

You definitely have to write papers as a student, but you inevitably need read them as well.  The new Word includes a reimagined reading mode that incorporates the goodness of traditional paper while embracing new technologies.  It was designed to be used on a touch-screen device (like that awesome Surface RT that you’ve got your eye on) but it also works great when using a mouse and keyboard.  It has a clutter free UI that helps you focus on the content, but puts the tools you need right at your fingertips: you can quickly add comments, highlight important information, lookup a definition or translate a phrase, all without leaving Word.
When you need to take a break, Word helps you remember where you left off – even if the next time you start reading, you’re on a different device.  When you are signed in to Office, your most recently used documents will be stored online, making it easy to find them the next time you open Word.  When you do open the document again, the Resume Reading feature acts like a bookmark that will take you back to the last page you were reading.

1. Collaborating on a document is a breeze with SkyDrive and the new Word

Group assignments become so much easier when everyone can work on the same document at the same time.  The new Office is integrated with Microsoft SkyDrive, so you can easily save your work in progress to your free SkyDrive account and share the document with the rest of your group, all from within Word.  If they don’t have Office yet, no problem.  All they'll need is a browser, where the document will open in the Word Web Application.  You don't even need to mess with permissions. Anyone with the link can comment and edit.  Better yet, everyone with the link can work on the document at the same time, whether they want to use the browser or Word.  When you are ready to share your changes, and see everyone else’s, just click the Save button and the document will be refreshed.

Top 5 reasons developers will love the new Word

Developers have long been able to leverage Word’s programmability model to extend the functionality of Word and deliver amazing results. Today we’re going to highlight 5 new features that makes the new Word better than ever for developers.

1. Apps for Word - embracing the cloud

Apps for Office is an exciting new way to extend Office applications by using web technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript, that enables Office developers new and better ways to deploy, promote, monetize, and enjoy using Office! Word supports task pane apps that let you extend the power of Word. Word apps support full fidelity import and export of content via Office Open XML, allowing you to add content like formatted tables, images with caption, and videos.

Apps can also read in your entire document for full fidelity printing, faxing, or other export scenarios. In addition, they can leverage the power of custom XML parts and data bindings to accomplish a variety of scenarios. For example, an XML file of recent expenses could be used to dynamically generate custom invoices. You can take a look at this sample app to learn more about how to use custom XML parts with Word apps.
To get started developing apps for Office check out Apps for Office and SharePoint blog and They are great resources that can help you learn more about the Office API and feature code samples to make it easy.

2. Content control improvements

For several releases, we’ve been working to make Word a great structured document editor. We created content controls in Office 2007, and built on that foundation in Office 2010. In Office 2013, we’ve again improved our existing content control support to make them easier to use.
As the types of Word documents containing content controls have increased, we recognized the need to make content controls more flexible. We wanted to make sure that documents with several content controls (including many levels of nesting) could visually scale to what the author requires.
To that end, Word 2013 now supports improved content control visualizations – we give document authors the ability to:
  • Choose a visualization style for each control
  • Update the color of controls
For visualization styles, we now let users customize whether the controls appear in a bounding box (as they did in Office 2010), appear as start/end tags (useful when many controls are nested), or are invisible (useful for when users don’t need to know about underlying structure). Here is a screenshot showing these options:

You can set both the visual style and the color of the content control UI in the content control properties dialog (accessible from the Properties button on the Developer tab). The dialog for a rich text control is shown here:

3. Binding to rich text content controls

You asked, we delivered – we heard loud and clear that developers would like the ability to bind rich text controls to custom XML parts (leaf nodes or attributes). You can bind these controls like you would bind other controls, or you can use the new XML mapping pane to create the binding (see below in this post).
When the mapping is active, the associated custom XML node contains a serialized XML representation of the content in the control. This serialization is created as follows:
  • Word retrieves the flat XML representation of the content in the control (just as the .WordOpenXML property does in the object model today)
  • Word escapes the resulting string to remove reserved XML characters
  • Word stores the result as text in the mapped node

4. Repeating content controls

Another very common request for structured documents is the ability for document authors to allow users to map to tabular, structured data. For example, in a structured expense report, allowing users to add expense line item rows to a table containing each expense.
To support these requests, we’ve created a new content control type: the repeating section content control. This control can be added around a row (or rows) of a table, or around arbitrary paragraphs of content. Once added, users can add new rows to the control, and if the control is bound the content in these rows will be stored appropriately in the document’s custom XML.
It’s also possible to bind a repeating section content control to the custom XML of a document. The control itself can be mapped to a nodeset, and then each repeating item inside of the control will be mapped to a node in that set. For example:

5. XML mapping pane

Finally, we also heard the feedback that it’s too hard to set up XML mappings to content controls in Word – to make this easier, Word 2013 includes a built-in XML Mapping task pane (available from the Developer tab) that allows you to add custom XML parts and map their contents to content controls in the document.
For example, if I have some XML like the following:

I can add it to a Word document and create XML mappings by simply:
  • Opening the task pane
  • Dropping the list of Custom XML Parts and choosing Add New Part…
  • Choosing the item I want to map, right-clicking, and selecting Insert Content Control, which gives me a list of valid content controls that this content can be mapped to:
Selecting it inserts a new content control and creates the XML mapping, setting everything up in a single step.

Putting it all together

We're really excited about the new and existing scenarios these new features will help developers enable. We also know that developers rely on classic extensibility models like VBA, VSTO solutions, and COM add-ins. Those continue to be supported in the new Word! You’ll also find our new features like videos, expand/collapse, etc. are exposed in Word’s Object Model. This allows your existing solutions to continue to run in the new Word and allows you to incorporate new features if desired.
With the features described above, we give you the tools to deliver your customers excellent customized experiences. And with Apps for Office, we’ve also allowed you to go one step further by choosing the business model that’s right for you to reach the broadest set of customers. Your app can be free, trial based, ad supported, etc. Once you’ve decided on how to reach customers you can publish your app using the office store. Customers can easily acquire your apps by searching directly from within Word or opening documents and templates that already contain your app. Don’t forget to check out to learn how you can win prizes by developing apps.
Thanks for reading. We hope you love the additional developer-oriented capabilities of the new Word.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

5 Negara Pemilik Taman Bunga Tercantik di Dunia

Bagi benua yang mempunyai empat musim pada setiap tahun, kedatangan musim bunga mungkin dinanti-nantikan para penggemar bunga kerana kebiasaannya bunga-bunga akan bermekaran. 'Lautan Bunga' yang awalnya hanya dilihat seperti ladang yang dominan warna hijau akan berubah warna dengan warna penuh keceriaan dan menenangkan fikiran...

1. Belanda

2. Jepun

3. New Zealand

4. Perancis

5. Denmark